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The Importance of Certificates of Compliance

Regular inspections and compliance certificates (COCs) ensure your property stays aligned with SANS regulations and municipal by-laws, and to schedule repairs where necessary. Additionally, if you decide to sell your property, you will need to have your home inspected and ensure all your COCs are up-to-date. We compiled a comprehensive guide to regular inspections and compliance certificates, with everything you need to know about certificates of compliance.

Understanding Certificates of Compliance: Key Concepts and Definitions

Legal Requirements

When you decide to put your property on the market, one of the legal requirements is to have your home assessed and all your compliance certificates updated.

5 compliance certificates

Now, there are 5 COCs that one can typically expect to complete – electrical, water, gas, electrical fence and beetle. But it’s important to note that not all of these are always necessary. For example, some municipalities in the Western Cape don’t require a water COC. Additionally, if your property doesn’t have any gas installations, you won’t need a gas COC. However, you can expect an electrical COC to be required when you sell your property.

Importance of Regular Inspections

If you have renovated your home, or are planning on doing so, it’s important to consider having your property inspected as part of the renovation process. This will ensure that all the work completed on your electrical infrastructure remains up to SANS standards. Additionally, it’s important to note that if your home is an older build, the electrical infrastructure may not be up to current SANS standards. So, even if you haven’t renovated recently, it’s a good idea to book an inspection to make sure everything is up to code, and if it isn’t, to schedule maintenance and repairs. Just like it’s important to take care of the exterior and visible parts of your home, it’s important to take care of all the inner workings too.  inspection list

Validity Periods for Certificates of Compliance

This may come as a surprise, but not all compliance certificates are valid forever. Or for the same period for that matter. So, here are the validity periods for each COC:

Electrical – Electrical certificates of compliance are valid for 2 years from the date of issue. However, if any electrical work is done after the COC is issued, the COC would need to be updated.

Water – The water certificate of compliance is valid for 6 months from the date of issue. 

Gas – Each time a property is transferred, a new gas certificate of compliance is required. 

Beetle (wood-destroying organism) – This is valid for 3 months from the date of issue. It’s important to note that an Offer To Purchase will dictate which organisms need to be inspected for and fumigated if necessary, to issue the certificate. 

Electrical Fence – The electric fence certificate of compliance is valid for 2 years from the date of issue. 

If you have any questions about completing COCs for your property, chat with us. 

compliance inspections

Keeping Your Property Up To Code through Compliance Inspections

Now, as a seller, the process of selling your home can become stressful, particularly when extra bills start rolling in. Bills like the repairs or changes you need to make to your property to ensure it meets regulatory standards.  Enter the pre-inspection! Having a pre-inspection done on your property BEFORE you list it, will ensure your property meets regulatory standards before it lists, which in turn provides you with sufficient time to plan for any repairs that may need to be done. If your property is up to code,  then you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your property is market-ready.  Furthermore, having a compliant home means having a safe home. Sure, there may be extra costs involved to ensure your property is compliant, but safety is everything.